Believe Despite’s heart is to walk alongside women who have been shattered by tragic circumstance. Without the critical component of stable therapeutic support, there is a profound risk that the survivor will again become victimized and their vulnerability re-exploited.
Healing Hope Ranch will be a long term holistic trauma informed program rooted in excellence. We will serve women suffering from severe depression, hopelessness and complex trauma due to horrific experiences such as sexual abuse, human sex trafficking and exploitation. These women have had their identities stripped from them and a team of therapeutic professionals will stand beside each of them developing a unique treatment and life plan. Understanding the complexities of shame and trauma, a multi-disciplinary approach has to be offered in order to heal effectively.

Treatment modalities:
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Art and Music Therapy
Movement Therapy – Trauma Informed Yoga
Somatic Experiencing
EMDR and Bilateral Stimulation
Organic Gardening
Individual and Group Counseling
Case Management
Nutritional Counseling

There will be several homes on the property reflecting the various stages and needs of those seeking treatment. These stages include:
Early stage of safety, education, stabilization, skill-building and development of the treatment alliance,
Trauma processing and resolution, identity and shame resiliency
Last stage of self and relational development, life skills, job skills and transitioning.
As the women build on previous work and progress, they acquire growing control and mastery, which directly counteracts the powerlessness of victimization and its continuing aftereffects.

Our goal is that Healing Hope Ranch will be a semi-sustainable farm based on an independent living model. This model will empower women through the healing and restoration of their personal journey; while providing job training and mentorship toward the goal of self-sufficiency and personal independence.
A retreat center will also be built to host intensive workshops, trainings, weekend retreats and continued care for women struggling with depression, grief and feelings of helplessness. It is in this place that we believe women will find a place to recharge.
Complex trauma refers to traumatic stressors that are interpersonal; that is, they are premeditated and caused by other humans, such as violating and/or exploitation of another person. Child abuse of all types (physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect) within the family is the most common form of chronic interpersonal victimization. In addition to this, and often an extension, is the widespread threat of modern day slavery.
The issues are significant as it is reported that 1 in 5 girls are victim of childhood sexual abuse and an estimated 60% never tell. Of these innocent victims under 18, 66% are between the ages of 12-17 and an alarming 34% are under age 12. Research studies have repeatedly found that when a child is abused early in life, especially sexually, it renders him/her much more vulnerable to additional victimization. Such child victims can become caught in an ongoing cycle of violence and traumatization over their life course. These innocent victims of trauma often develop significant issues with drug abuse, homelessness and fall prey to becoming victims of sex trafficking. Recent studies have documented that abuse and other trauma such as those cited above result in changes in a child's neurophysiological development that, in turn, result in changed learning patterns, behavior, beliefs and cognition, identity development, self-worth and relations with others.
Knowing the devastating effects of trauma is why we can’t remain silent nor stagnant! We have to do something and reach the unreached. Join us in making the choice to believe in these women.